
The 20 Most Outrageous and Funniest Headlines From This Past Week

Taylor Swift murder conspiracies, dead inmate denied parole, and Australian toddler stuck in Hello Kitty claw machine?  It’s just a regular week!

It’s imperative for any self-respecting citizen to be well-read on current events happening in your community. But as an internet citizen, it's even more important to be caught up on the meme-worthy news. We’ve gathered some of the most unhinged headlines from this past for us all to be puzzled at the state of our world.

One January 6 rioter is being punished for liking prison a little too much. Demi Lovato performed for a foundation supporting people with heart conditions and decided her hit “Heart Attack” was the most appropriate setlist decision. Demi your song “Give Your Heart A Break” is right there! Finally, a man was arrested for trying to fly a drone into an Australian prison. His defense? Well, a Romanian circus stole his pet Chihuahua. We believe he should be let off.

Scroll down and learn about all the weird things happening around the world. 

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